
NASA T-Shirt Collection

January 06, 2016 Smart Apparel

Few organizations have inspired humanity like NASA—it is an organization like none other. It seems many people think of NASA only as a space organization, but NASA is much more than that. Many of our favorite products that we think we couldn’t live without wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for this administration. Yet, NASA is even more than developing technologies that give us great products and sending astronauts into space. Humanity has a long history of asking questions about the cosmos and sadly, humanity has an equally long history of coming to the wrong conclusions. NASA has played a...

Giving Away 2 T-Shirts of Your Choice

November 23, 2015 Smart Apparel

We are giving away any two of our t-shirts on Cyber Monday (Nov. 30th) valued at over $45!  Keep both, give them away, or keep one & share the other with a friend! Perhaps a friend who helped you win.  How can a friend help you win?  We’ll explain below. Here’s How You Enter 1 – Share any post on our Facebook page with the hashtag #GiveawayThese posts will look like this:T-shirt #Giveaway valued over $45Click the link below to find out how easy it is to enter – Leave a comment in the FB post & tell us which...

Promoting Science and Reason on Ada Lovelace Day

October 13, 2015 Smart Apparel

Today is a special day for women and for science as today is ‎Ada Lovelace Day. She is regarded as the first computer programmer even though she died at the young age of 36 in 1852—a time when computers were basically unheard of. This is because in her notes regarding Charles Babbage’s early mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine, she had what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine.  Ada Lovelace Day was founded in 2009 with the goal of highlighting women in science to help inspire women and future generations to become interested...

List of Our Favorite Podcasts

October 09, 2015 Smart Apparel

We can’t get enough science and reason at Smart Apparel, so to get our daily fix we often turn to podcasts. If you don’t listen to podcasts—they are extremely enjoyable to listen to especially while on long drives, winding down at night, or (often in our case) while designing a new shirt. Due to our love of these podcasts, we want to share some of our favorites—but in return we want to know what some of your favorites are as well!*We would have a hard time listing these in order of most liked and wouldn't want to try. So for...